(888) 862-3276

Agricultural equipment has had the ability to record massive amounts of data for the past 20 years plus. Most of the data collected has been under utilized. It is fair to say that a majority of this technology has only been utilized through real time viewing during harvest and planting. Massive amounts of data have been recorded and stored and never seen again. Within that stored and recorded data there are data points and keys to unlock your profit potential.

The Purpose of Total Crop Production Management is to provide a process that can help you develop a strategy to maximize the benefit of optimizing inputs and yield potential, when making crop management decisions.

The Mission of Total Crop Production Management is to lead and assist your farm in the 4 step process below:

Step #1

Simplify the Sophistication of the Accumulated Data

Step #2

Evolve your Input Planning Process based on the Data

Step #3

Elevate your Returns through Advancing Yields in a Cost Effective Manner

Step #4

Reinforce your Input Planning Process to Drive Future Innovation

For information on how to enroll in the “Total Crop Production Management” program, contact your BioGene Seeds Client Success Partner.


BioGene Seeds offers a custom zone or grid sampling that best fits your farm and budget.  We offer GPS sample point grids in 1 acre, 2.5 acre, 5 acre and 10 acre grids.  We can also design GPS sample point zones to best match your farms and your needs.  The zone options can be based on soil type, harvest maps, etc.  Our sampling depth is typically at 6”; but you as the customer can set that parameter, whether that’s 4”, 6”, or 8”.  12” cores could be adapted to this system as an additional request.  In summary, we work with you to design a system that fits your budget and maximizes your profitability.

Soil Analysis

Soil analysis measures the soil’s nutrient availability and nutrient-holding capacity and provides the core for profitable crop management decisions. The macronutrient, secondary nutrient, micronutrient and lime recommendations are based on the results from the soil analysis, soil pH, historical fertilizer applications, historical yields, yields desired and nutrient sufficiency levels. The management and balance of crop nutrients is difficult; due to the complex nature of nutrient interaction(s) within the soil profile.  Proper soil analysis is a necessary input; in order to unlock the true potential of your farms.

3 types of soil analysis packages are available:

SAA:     Soil pH, Buffer pH, Organic Matter, Available Phosphorus, Exchangeable Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Cation Exchange Capacity, Mg Base Saturation, Ca Base Saturation and K Base Saturation

SAB:     SAA plus any three nutrients:  Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulfur and Zinc

SAC:    SAA plus all six nutrients:  Boron, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Sulfur and Zinc

Additional soil tests available on request: (additional sampling may be required)

Nitrogen, Ammonium; Nitrate; Total

Solvita Soil Health Test

Soybean Cyst Nematode

Phosphorus (Bray-P1, P2 or Olsen)

Modified Morgan or Morgan Method

DTPA Micronutrients

Hydrometer Particle Size Analysis

Nutrient Recommendations

Utilizing the yield goals and the fertilizer input budget that you provide; BioGene Seeds will build a fertility plan to maximize your return on investment of your fertilizer input dollar.  We realize that you do not necessarily have the same goals on every piece of land that your farm.  Our mission for our customer is to customize their goal on a single acre basis; whether that is a draw down, maintenance or build up philosophy.  Our recommendations are derived utilizing your past fertility application history, your yield history, 3rd party agronomists, institutional recommendations as well as our own data points from tissue sampling of growing and mature plants. 

You will receive a summary report by farm of the avg rate, minimum and maximum rates of fertilizer, as well as electronic prescription maps by farm. The next step will be to allow you to ‘dial in’ fertility inputs to hit your final goals and budget. At this point, we can adjust rates and goals to match and maximize your return on your input investment.

Nutrient Application Prescriptions

After the recommendation process, we will write custom application maps for your application equipment’s rate controller or for your contracted fertilizer applicators equipment rate controller.  When you enter a farm into the Total Crop Production Management program from BioGene Seeds, you will receive Nutrient Application Prescriptions for 3 crop years following the soil sampling procedure.  You have several options at this point, we can go straight to scripts based upon the soil analysis.  You can also customize these scripts to minimize fertilizer on low producing areas not due to nutrient availability.  You can also submit your harvest mapping data in order to produce a fertilizer script directly from or to create a hybrid prescription that integrates the information from the soil analysis and the harvest mapping data.

For customers that can plant variable rate planting populations.  Whether the goal is to set up planting rates by hybrid; or by productivity areas of each field or both; we can help you design a program to maximize your seed input dollars.

BioGene Seeds customers can receive complete electronic files formatted in a common readable pdf file format.  Integration of grain cart scale data to validate and create accurate yield levels can and should be a part of this step.  Harvest data is a critical but not mandatory resource to complete the ‘dial in’ approach to your fertility input plan.

Recorded application data from your fertilizer application, planter, sprayer and harvest can be compiled into a single format.  The more complete the input application data that goes into the system; the more comprehensive the analysis for future crops to maximize production for boosted profits.